
conference call 電話會議。


Other languages are also available through language line services , which will establish a conference call with an interpreter 語言專線服務也可使用其他語言,將邀請口譯師一同出席會議。

A big conference called africa connect , to be held in rwanda later this month , is meant to give a boost 今年10月末即將在盧旺達舉行的“連通非洲”峰會,被普遍認為會為此帶來推動力。

With the sony pcs - tl30 , the user can continue to work on their pc even while they are on a video conference call 使用pcs0tl30 ,即便在進行視頻會議時,仍可以在你的pc機上繼續工作

Through conference calls , staff of the centre can make arrangement for job - seekers to talk to employers directly 該中心的職員可透過電話會議,安排求職人士與雇主直接對話。

We quickly convened a second conference call , which would include bc counsel and our counsel 我們迅速召開第二電話會議,這個會議包括銀行客戶( bc )的律師和我們的律師。

Wd sets april 26th for third quarter fiscal 2007 financial results conference call and webcast 西部數據公司推出下一代系列ata ii硬驅數據傳輸速度可達每秒鐘兆

At 7 : 10 pm we were on a conference call with bc ' s executives to discuss next steps 下午7 : 10 ,我們已經開始在電話會議中與銀行客戶( bc )的執行者討論下一步。

Through conference calls , staff of the centre can arrange job - seekers to talk to employers directly 中心職員會透過電話會議,安排求職人士與雇主直接對話。

Speak with an accent ( french , german , porky pig , etc . ) during a very important conference call 在一個很重要的電話會議上,帶著口音說話(比如法語,德語等等)

When you are on an interminable conference call , it makes sense to catch up with some e - mailing 在出席冗長的電話會議時,抓緊時間寫點電子郵件是合理的。

Wd sets january 25th for second quarter fiscal 2007 financial results conference call and webcast 西部數據發布單碟80gb技術產品,容量可達250gb新聞發布

Flowing when you re busy by going hands - free . or exchange ideas in a conference call 配合免提裝置,無論有多忙碌,也可通話無間斷用作開會亦同樣方便。

It may also contain instructions as to how to move the call around , set up a conference call , etc 顯示還可以包括指令如轉移呼叫、建立會議呼叫等等。

She was rushed offstage while the organizer of a post - pageant news conference called for aid 她被迅速抬到后臺,賽后記者會組織人呼叫救護人員。

You will know terms needed in reporting on merger negotiations and learn about conference calls 您將學習在合并談判,電話會議方面的詞語。

Manulife financial corporation s fourth quarter 2005 financial results conference call 宏利金融有限公司二零零五年第四季財務業績電話會議

Manulife financial corporation s fourth quarter 2004 financial results conference call 宏利金融有限公司二零零四年第四季財務業績電話會議

Manulife financial corporation s second quarter 2004 financial results conference call 宏利金融有限公司二零零四年第二季財務業績電話會議

Manulife financial corporation s fourth quarter 2006 financial results conference call 宏利金融有限公司二零零六年第四季財務業績電話會議